In summary, stimulating or massaging Marma points give benefits to the area of their location and improves the function of the connecting organs. The Marma massage is approximately of 60 to 90 minutes of duration, followed by steam bath or warm shower. Given above is only a brief outline of Marma massage . Ideally, Marma massage should be performed by experienced therapists, in consultation of a qualified ayurvedic physician. The Marma massage can be used as a part of a rejuvenation therapy or it could be used as preventive measure from unwanted conditions. Either way, Marma massage is really useful to help improve or maintain a healthy balance.
Thus healing through Marma abhayangam affects the chakras, Physical health and doshas. The purpose of Marma Abhayangam is to stimulate the various body organs and systems.
Marma therapy focuses on energizing the body to relieve occupational illness and stress related diseases. Often, it helps the couples to re-establish harmony in marital life. Here, Kalari master is the spiritual Guru, Counsellor and physiotherapist all rolled into one. Marma Chikitsa (therapeutic treatment ) is an offshoot of Kalaripayattu; Kerala's martial art.
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